Emap2sec+ is a computational tool that can accurately identify structures, alpha helices, beta sheets, other(coils/turns) and DNA/RNA, in cryo-Electron Microscopy (EM) maps of medium to low resolution.
Input file:
    EM map file (mrc format file).
    Contour Level.   Please make sure your contour level is lower than your focused region. This is the absolute density threshold, not the standard deviation.
Result Visualization Panel:
Red indicates alpha helix, yellow indicates beta-strand, green indicates coil region of proteins, and purple indicates DNA/RNA.
Output Logs Panel:
The "Output Logs" panel include all the outputs from the scripts. If you are interested in the progress of the job during running, you can take a look at it.
Job Configuration Panel:
The "Job Configuration" panel includes the input parameters for this job, which is used to keep the records of your submitted input.
Problem Debugging:
If you encounter any problems, feel free to email us to report the problems. In your email, please use subject as "Emap2sec+ problem: [jobid]", here [jobid] is the job is shown in the title. We will use the jobid to locate and debug jobs in the backend and get back to you as soon as possible.
dkihara@purdue.edu, gterashi@purdue.edu, xiaowang20140001@gmail.com.

Job ID : 5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68
Emap2sec+ is designed for intermediate resolution maps(5-10A). Here red indicates alpha helix, yellow indicates beta strand, green indicates coil region of proteins, and purple indicates DNA/RNA. If you encounter any questions for the detection, feel free to email dkihara@purdue.edu and wang3702@purdue.edu.
rm -f
rm -rf bin
cd gzstream; make -s cleanall
cd gzstream; make -s
mkdir -p bin
g++ main.cpp -o bin/map2train -O1 -std=c++11 -march=native -Wall -fopenmp -Lgzstream -lgzstream -lz
g++ -g -pg main.cpp -o bin/map2train_debug -std=c++11 -march=native -Wall -fopenmp -Lgzstream -lgzstream -lz
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/ existed
Origin: (0., 0., 0.)
Previous voxel size: 1.0299999713897705
Previouse size: (320, 320, 320) Current map size: 329 329 329
Finished %d 10
Finished %d 20
Finished %d 30
Finished %d 40
Finished %d 50
Finished %d 60
Finished %d 70
Finished %d 80
Finished %d 90
Finished %d 100
Finished %d 110
Finished %d 120
Finished %d 130
Finished %d 140
Finished %d 150
Finished %d 160
Finished %d 170
Finished %d 180
Finished %d 190
Finished %d 200
Finished %d 210
Finished %d 220
Finished %d 230
Finished %d 240
Finished %d 250
Finished %d 260
Finished %d 270
Finished %d 280
Finished %d 290
Finished %d 300
Finished %d 310
Finished %d 320
nx : 320
ny : 320
nz : 320
mode : 2
nxstart : 0
nystart : 0
nzstart : 0
mx : 320
my : 320
mz : 320
cella : (329.59998, 329.59998, 329.59998)
cellb : (90., 90., 90.)
mapc : 1
mapr : 2
maps : 3
dmin : -0.006679408717900515
dmax : 0.02493644319474697
dmean : 8.447095024166629e-05
ispg : 1
nsymbt : 0
extra1 : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
exttyp : b''
nversion : 0
extra2 : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
origin : (0., 0., 0.)
map : b'MAP '
machst : [68 65 0 0]
rms : 0.0012708009453490376
nlabl : 1
label : [b'::::EMDATABANK.org::::EMD-7103:::: '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' ']
nx : 329
ny : 329
nz : 329
mode : 2
nxstart : 0
nystart : 0
nzstart : 0
mx : 329
my : 329
mz : 329
cella : (329., 329., 329.)
cellb : (90., 90., 90.)
mapc : 1
mapr : 2
maps : 3
dmin : -0.006240236107259989
dmax : 0.024219045415520668
dmean : 8.404730760958046e-05
ispg : 1
nsymbt : 0
extra1 : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
exttyp : b''
nversion : 20140
extra2 : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
origin : (0., 0., 0.)
map : b'MAP '
machst : [68 68 0 0]
rms : 0.0012463729362934828
nlabl : 1
label : [b'Created by mrcfile.py 2023-06-09 18:07:46 '
b'' b'' b'' b'' b'' b'' b'' b'' b'']
Extracting Trimmap: /bio/kihara-web/www/em/emweb-jobscheduler/algorithms/Emap2secPlus/process_map/bin/map2train /bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/input.mrc -r 3.0 -c 0.006 -sstep 2 >/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/input.trimmap
Finishing 0/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 0/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 0/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 1000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 1000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 2000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 2000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 3000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 3000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 4000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 4000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 5000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 5000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 6000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 6000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 7000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 7000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 8000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 8000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 9000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 9000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 10000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 10000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 11000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 11000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 12000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 12000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 13000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 13000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 14000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 14000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 15000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 15000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 16000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 16000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 17000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 17000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 18000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 18000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 19000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 19000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 20000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 20000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 21000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 21000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 22000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 22000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 23000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 23000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 24000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 24000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 25000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 25000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 26000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 26000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 27000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 27000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 28000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 28000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 29000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 29000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 30000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 30000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 31000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 31000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 32000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 32000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 33000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 33000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 34000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 34000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 35000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 35000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 36000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 36000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 37000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 37000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 38000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 38000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 39000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 39000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 40000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 40000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 41000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 41000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 42000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 42000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 43000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 43000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 44000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 44000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 45000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 45000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result created
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800 voxels
after Phase1, we have 45305 predictions
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800/45305 voxels
After Phase 2, we have 45305 predictions
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result/Phase1 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result/Phase1 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result/Phase2 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result/Phase2 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result created
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800 voxels
after Phase1, we have 45305 predictions
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800/45305 voxels
After Phase 2, we have 45305 predictions
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result/Phase1 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result/Phase1 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result/Phase2 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result/Phase2 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result created
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800 voxels
after Phase1, we have 45305 predictions
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800/45305 voxels
After Phase 2, we have 45305 predictions
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result/Phase1 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result/Phase1 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result/Phase2 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result/Phase2 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result created
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800 voxels
after Phase1, we have 45305 predictions
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800/45305 voxels
After Phase 2, we have 45305 predictions
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result/Phase1 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result/Phase1 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result/Phase2 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result/Phase2 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Final created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Final existed
INFO : Emap2sec+ Done
rm -rf bin
cd gzstream; make -s cleanall
cd gzstream; make -s
mkdir -p bin
g++ main.cpp -o bin/map2train -O1 -std=c++11 -march=native -Wall -fopenmp -Lgzstream -lgzstream -lz
g++ -g -pg main.cpp -o bin/map2train_debug -std=c++11 -march=native -Wall -fopenmp -Lgzstream -lgzstream -lz
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/ existed
Origin: (0., 0., 0.)
Previous voxel size: 1.0299999713897705
Previouse size: (320, 320, 320) Current map size: 329 329 329
Finished %d 10
Finished %d 20
Finished %d 30
Finished %d 40
Finished %d 50
Finished %d 60
Finished %d 70
Finished %d 80
Finished %d 90
Finished %d 100
Finished %d 110
Finished %d 120
Finished %d 130
Finished %d 140
Finished %d 150
Finished %d 160
Finished %d 170
Finished %d 180
Finished %d 190
Finished %d 200
Finished %d 210
Finished %d 220
Finished %d 230
Finished %d 240
Finished %d 250
Finished %d 260
Finished %d 270
Finished %d 280
Finished %d 290
Finished %d 300
Finished %d 310
Finished %d 320
nx : 320
ny : 320
nz : 320
mode : 2
nxstart : 0
nystart : 0
nzstart : 0
mx : 320
my : 320
mz : 320
cella : (329.59998, 329.59998, 329.59998)
cellb : (90., 90., 90.)
mapc : 1
mapr : 2
maps : 3
dmin : -0.006679408717900515
dmax : 0.02493644319474697
dmean : 8.447095024166629e-05
ispg : 1
nsymbt : 0
extra1 : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
exttyp : b''
nversion : 0
extra2 : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
origin : (0., 0., 0.)
map : b'MAP '
machst : [68 65 0 0]
rms : 0.0012708009453490376
nlabl : 1
label : [b'::::EMDATABANK.org::::EMD-7103:::: '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' '
b' ']
nx : 329
ny : 329
nz : 329
mode : 2
nxstart : 0
nystart : 0
nzstart : 0
mx : 329
my : 329
mz : 329
cella : (329., 329., 329.)
cellb : (90., 90., 90.)
mapc : 1
mapr : 2
maps : 3
dmin : -0.006240236107259989
dmax : 0.024219045415520668
dmean : 8.404730760958046e-05
ispg : 1
nsymbt : 0
extra1 : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
exttyp : b''
nversion : 20140
extra2 : b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
origin : (0., 0., 0.)
map : b'MAP '
machst : [68 68 0 0]
rms : 0.0012463729362934828
nlabl : 1
label : [b'Created by mrcfile.py 2023-06-09 18:07:46 '
b'' b'' b'' b'' b'' b'' b'' b'' b'']
Extracting Trimmap: /bio/kihara-web/www/em/emweb-jobscheduler/algorithms/Emap2secPlus/process_map/bin/map2train /bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/input.mrc -r 3.0 -c 0.006 -sstep 2 >/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/input.trimmap
Finishing 0/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 0/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 0/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 1000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 1000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 2000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 2000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 3000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 3000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 4000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 4000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 5000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 5000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 6000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 6000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 7000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 7000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 8000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 8000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 9000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 9000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 10000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 10000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 11000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 11000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 12000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 12000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 13000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 13000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 14000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 14000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 15000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 15000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 16000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 16000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 17000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 17000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 18000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 18000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 19000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 19000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 20000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 20000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 21000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 21000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 22000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 22000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 23000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 23000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 24000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 24000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 25000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 25000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 26000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 26000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 27000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 27000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 28000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 28000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 29000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 29000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 30000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 30000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 31000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 31000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 32000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 32000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 33000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 33000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 34000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 34000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 35000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 35000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 36000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 36000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 37000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 37000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 38000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 38000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 39000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 39000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 40000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 40000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 41000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 41000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 42000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 42000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 43000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 43000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 44000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 44000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 45000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
Finishing 45000/90611 lines of trimmap to input
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result created
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800 voxels
after Phase1, we have 45305 predictions
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800/45305 voxels
After Phase 2, we have 45305 predictions
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result/Phase1 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result/Phase1 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result/Phase2 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold1_Model_Result/Phase2 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result created
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800 voxels
after Phase1, we have 45305 predictions
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800/45305 voxels
After Phase 2, we have 45305 predictions
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result/Phase1 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result/Phase1 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result/Phase2 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold2_Model_Result/Phase2 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result created
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800 voxels
after Phase1, we have 45305 predictions
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800/45305 voxels
After Phase 2, we have 45305 predictions
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result/Phase1 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result/Phase1 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result/Phase2 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold3_Model_Result/Phase2 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result created
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160 voxels
Step 1 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800 voxels
after Phase1, we have 45305 predictions
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 10 batches, in total 640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 20 batches, in total 1280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 30 batches, in total 1920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 40 batches, in total 2560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 50 batches, in total 3200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 60 batches, in total 3840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 70 batches, in total 4480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 80 batches, in total 5120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 90 batches, in total 5760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 100 batches, in total 6400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 110 batches, in total 7040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 120 batches, in total 7680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 130 batches, in total 8320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 140 batches, in total 8960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 150 batches, in total 9600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 160 batches, in total 10240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 170 batches, in total 10880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 180 batches, in total 11520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 190 batches, in total 12160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 200 batches, in total 12800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 210 batches, in total 13440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 220 batches, in total 14080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 230 batches, in total 14720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 240 batches, in total 15360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 250 batches, in total 16000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 260 batches, in total 16640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 270 batches, in total 17280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 280 batches, in total 17920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 290 batches, in total 18560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 300 batches, in total 19200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 310 batches, in total 19840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 320 batches, in total 20480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 330 batches, in total 21120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 340 batches, in total 21760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 350 batches, in total 22400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 360 batches, in total 23040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 370 batches, in total 23680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 380 batches, in total 24320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 390 batches, in total 24960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 400 batches, in total 25600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 410 batches, in total 26240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 420 batches, in total 26880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 430 batches, in total 27520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 440 batches, in total 28160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 450 batches, in total 28800/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 460 batches, in total 29440/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 470 batches, in total 30080/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 480 batches, in total 30720/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 490 batches, in total 31360/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 500 batches, in total 32000/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 510 batches, in total 32640/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 520 batches, in total 33280/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 530 batches, in total 33920/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 540 batches, in total 34560/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 550 batches, in total 35200/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 560 batches, in total 35840/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 570 batches, in total 36480/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 580 batches, in total 37120/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 590 batches, in total 37760/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 600 batches, in total 38400/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 610 batches, in total 39040/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 620 batches, in total 39680/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 630 batches, in total 40320/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 640 batches, in total 40960/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 650 batches, in total 41600/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 660 batches, in total 42240/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 670 batches, in total 42880/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 680 batches, in total 43520/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 690 batches, in total 44160/45305 voxels
Step 2 Phase1 Predicted 700 batches, in total 44800/45305 voxels
After Phase 2, we have 45305 predictions
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result/Phase1 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result/Phase1 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result/Phase2 created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Fold4_Model_Result/Phase2 existed
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Final created
/bio/kihara-web/www/em/em-web-server/media/jobs/output/5c6bd403828b695a8bdfcafc09dc8e68/Final existed
INFO : Emap2sec+ Done
If the output looks wrong or the job has failed. You can submit it for review here.