
Job ID : 3d83f65e81bc6c3fac4780f90df9395a

DeepMainmast is a de novo modeling protocol designed to construct an entire protein 3D model directly from an EM map with a resolution of 0-5 A. It generates a file in .pdb format that documents the modeled protein structure derived from the input cryo-EM map. In cases where the cryo-EM map contains DNA/RNA, only the protein structures within the complex are modeled. For modeling the complete complex, we recommend using ComplexModeler (

Our results webpage comprises three tabs: Results Visualization, Output Logs, and Job Configuration.

Results Visualization:
The "Result Visualization" panel showcases the protein structure generated by DeepMainMast.
On the right-hand side, you'll find the "Download Outputs" button enabling you to download the modeled structure in .pdb format. This file contains four structures (details outlined below). You can visualize or refine this structure using tools like PyMol, Coot, or Chimera. The downloaded .pdb file includes four structures consolidated into one file, each structure's specifics detailed below.
Additionally, you can visualize the map online by clicking the "Show map" button. Once loaded, the default contour level matches your input; however, you can make adjustments by clicking the "..." button beside "isosurface." Within the "Type: Isosurface" option, you can modify the iso-surface value and opacity by scrolling through the bar for precise adjustments. This feature allows you to assess the alignment between the modeled structure and the map.

The output 3D model displays coloration based on the DAQ (AA) score, ranging from red (-1.0) to blue (1.0), signifying the structural quality. Blue highlights well-modeled regions, while red indicates areas potentially less reliable. This 3D model includes either four models (with Rosetta) or two models (without Rosetta).

  • MODEL1: Ca-only structure, where all modeled positions are colored by the DAQ (AA) score.
  • MODEL2: Ca-only structure, excluding amino acids with a DAQ (CA) score below -0.5 and replacing amino acids with a DAQ (AA) score below -0.5 with 'UNK'.
  • MODEL3: Full-atomic structure displaying all modeled positions colored by the DAQ (AA) score. Rosetta is used to build the full atom model.
  • MODEL4: Full-atomic structure excluding amino acids with a DAQ (CA) score below -0.5 and replacing amino acids with a DAQ (AA) score below -0.5 with 'UNK'. Rosetta is used.

These distinctions enable detailed exploration and comparison of the models, providing insights into specific structural aspects based on the DAQ scores.
Output Logs:
The 'Output Logs' panel compiles all outputs generated by the scripts.
If you're interested in monitoring the job's progress during execution, this section provides a comprehensive overview.

Job Configuration:
In the 'Job Configuration' panel, you'll find the input parameters used for this specific job. These records serve to maintain a log of your submitted input for reference.

Problem Debugging:
For any troubleshooting needs: Should you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us via email to report the problems. When sending an email, kindly use the subject line format 'DeepMainMast problem: [jobid]', where [jobid] corresponds to the job displayed in the title. This specific identification helps us efficiently locate and debug jobs in the backend, ensuring a prompt response to your concerns.


The 3D model is colored by DAQ(AA) score scaled from red (-1.0) to blue (1.0) with a 19 residues sliding window.
The 3D model contains two MODELs (MODEL1 and MODEL2).
In MODEL1, all modeled positions are colored by DAQ(AA) score.
In MODEL2, amino acids with DAQ(CA) score below -0.5 are excluded, and amino acids with DAQ(AA) score below -0.5 are replaced with UNK.

Job is still running. No logs generated yet.

If the output looks wrong or the job has failed. You can submit it for review here.